100x more faster
more efficient
more talented
with AI
We specialize in integration and consulting in generative AI: from implementing LLMs and image generation models to speech recognition systems and text-to-speech synthesis. We don’t just make the impossible possible — we turn your ideas and innovative visions into digital reality.
Everything you can
imagine is possible
to create.
Enhance your
clients' experience
with the power
of generative AI
Human-like voice assistants that can remember your clients and replace an entire call center
Voice Assistants
Intelligent email and chatbots that understand intent, remember clients, and personalize communication
Text Assistants
Implementing AI for automated customer feedback processing and sentiment analysis
Feedback Automation
We create
your new
Automates daily tasks: scheduling, email processing, onboarding, reminders, and reporting
Assistants for routine tasks
Automated analysis of customer conversations, detecting tone, customer satisfaction, and keyword insights. Assistants for human operators
Assistants for call centers
Automation of keyword management, ad creatives, campaigns, and even ad bidding
Marketing Assistants
Make data handling
up to 10 times
and faster
AI systems that automatically analyze large volumes of data, providing key insights, reports, and forecasts. This saves time on processing and analysis
Automated Data Analysis
AI systems that automatically generate documents such as contracts, reports, and letters
Automated Document Creation and Completion
AI systems that automatically create and update FAQs by analyzing internal knowledge bases and company documents, generating accurate responses
Intelligent FAQ Generation
Step by Step
Step One
Step Two
Audit and Problem Identification
During the audit phase, we analyze the client's business processes and data, identify problems and tasks that can be addressed with AI, and provide recommendations for implementing solutions to achieve the client's goals.
Step Three
During the research phase, we analyze potential solutions, develop prototypes, and conduct testing. We explore the data, select suitable AI models, and tailor them to the client’s needs. This stage involves experimentation, fine-tuning, and preparation for integration to ensure optimal results.
During the integration phase, we implement the developed solution into the client’s business processes, configure systems, and ensure seamless operation. We train employees, optimize models, and adapt AI for real-world conditions, ensuring stable and efficient performance.
our clients
We so proud to work with
CEO, co-founder
An experienced CPO with over 13 years in IT and product development, specializing in creating and scaling digital solutions: from user needs analysis and competitive research to team building and product management. Has extensive experience working with industry leaders, delivering successful web and mobile applications, SaaS solutions, and AI products.
A software engineer and team lead with over 13 years of experience in IT, specializing in web development and Python. Has a background in information security. Experienced in both technical and managerial roles, including leading teams, designing architectural solutions, and implementing IT projects across various domains—from large-scale enterprise systems to startups.
Let's create something impressive together
Minsk, Prytyckaha st., 27A
Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Vesivärava tn 50,