A passionate product delivery manager with extensive experience with commercial digital products.
For more than ten years, my team and I have been immersed in the field of agile development for digital products. We love to apply the Lean approach. It involves creating an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and testing value and scalability hypotheses as quickly as possible.
If you trust us, we will help you create a truly valuable digital product (whether it's a website, app, bot, e-commerce platform, SAAS, or marketplace) on the web or on IOS and Android platforms. We will structure the development process in a way that allows you to get the most out of every dollar invested.
We help create digital innovations for both large companies and small startups in uncharted niches. We understand the risks and pains of business owners and innovation users. We know how to compete in markets where:
up to 85%
of innovations do not survive
only 15%
of innovations are successful or super successful
Yes, We can do
We develop web projects and mobile applications on modern technological stacks based on the principles of Lean Product Development.
Product/ market research
Who are your clients? How many are there? What problems need to be solved for them? Through which channels can they be reached? What product features need to be developed? How much can you earn?
Product strategy development
What are the most important product features? Which ones are the most valuable? When will we develop them? When and how will you launch them to the market? What comes next?
Quick MVP start
How can we demonstrate the product's value to users without spending much on its launch? How can we package the product for investors? How do we create a financial model?
Hypothesis testing
How can we test the product before its launch? How can we test the necessity of features? How can we test advertising?
Traction creation
What are the most cost-effective advertising channels? Which are the most efficient? Where is the most desirable (valuable) audience located?
Scaling up product metrics
How much can you grow, and are you ready for it? Where are the growth opportunities located? Where are you prepared to grow?
We will integrate Gen AI
into your business processes.
We are implementing text generation models: chatbots, assistants, helpers.
Image generation models based on text and other inputs
Models for generating audio, music, and voice based on text.
The Team teachable
Interface design is more than just aesthetics. First and foremost, design serves the purpose of achieving a specific business goal. Design effectively aids in the task of attracting targeted and financially capable clients.
Mobile design
Creating mobile UI/UX is a challenging task. Primarily, design is crafted to fulfill the business objectives of the application. The ultimate goal is to guide the user through the shortest possible flow to achieve the desired business action.
UI design can serve as a powerful tool for showcasing a wide range of products and facilitating their successful sales.
And one more detail
A easily readable text filled with meaningful content is one of the key elements of user interface design.
& portfolio
Minsk, Prytyckaha st., 27A
Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Vesivärava tn 50,