Modern sources and methods of attracting new users in saturated markets
The "Maslow's Hammer" problem is illustrated by the phrase: "If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail." This issue arises when businesses, equipped with only a few familiar marketing methods, apply them universally without considering less conventional but potentially more effective sources of promotion.
Maksim Kuletskiy
Product manager
Generating Traction
Modern businesses have encountered a challenge where most popular online customer acquisition channels have become oversaturated, highly competitive, and their effectiveness is rapidly diminishing.

Therefore, the need has arisen to seek unconventional sources of customer attraction and scale them where possible. We offer consulting services to help create marketing strategies that encompass both traditional and non-traditional channels.

The 50% Rule.
One of the main mistakes when launching a new product is waiting to create traction until after the product is ready and launched in the market. Many even fear sharing their plans before the actual launch.

The 50% Rule advises us to start building traction and searching for early customers or adopters even before the product is launched, dedicating 50% of the total time and resources to traction efforts.

Not only does this approach facilitate acquiring initial customers quickly, but it also allows gathering preliminary feedback about the product and avoiding potential mistakes.

Maksim Kuletskiy
Product manager
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Search Engine Marketing allows companies to place advertisements in front of consumers who are actively searching on platforms like Google, Yandex, Bing, Yahoo, App Store, Google Play, and YouTube.

The success of these advertising campaigns is directly linked to the correct targeting of the audience and the use of compelling ad creatives with appropriate messages.
Search Engine Optimization
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is indeed a time-consuming and resource-intensive process for promoting a company's website on platforms like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex, YouTube, App Store, and Google Play. In saturated business niches, it may often be challenging to see immediate returns and a quick payoff.

However, with a truly professional approach, the right strategy for website optimization, content creation, and building external backlinks can yield a powerful and long-lasting effect that stretches for years ahead. By investing in SEO with a focus on quality and long-term goals, businesses can establish a strong online presence and enjoy sustained organic traffic and visibility on search engines.

Did you know that the second-largest search engine in the world, after Google, is the search engine on YouTube? Therefore, YouTube promotion is one of the unconventional yet highly effective methods of attracting customers for many business sectors.
Maksim Kuletskiy
Product manager
Online Reputation.
In the era of the Internet, customers search for products or services and choose companies by comparing the quantity and quality of online reviews, especially on platforms like Google and Google Maps.

The more reviews and higher the rating, the greater the likelihood that preference will be given to your business. Statistical data shows that a positive review profile for a company can lead to at least a 15% increase in incoming orders.

A positive and dynamic stream of reviews serves as highly effective support for all marketing activities of companies. Recognizing the hidden potential of this approach, we have developed a range of unique tools that enable our clients to receive a natural and constantly updating flow of reviews.
Maksim Kuletskiy
Product manager
Targeted Blogs and Vlogs
In today's digital world, almost everything about almost anything can be found on the internet. Thousands of bloggers and influencers worldwide share interesting and valuable information on various aspects of people's lives.
Advertising in targeted blogs involves selecting a list of thematic platforms and placing advertisements and recommendations there. This method is advantageous because, similar to SEM, its effectiveness is easy to assess, allowing businesses to choose the best options for their advertising needs.

Social Media Advertising
Advertising on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, VK, and other social media can be incredibly effective, but only if the target audience is chosen perfectly.

To select the right audience, various methodologies are employed, such as demographic analysis, Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) research, data mining, and others.

Delivering the right message to the right audience guarantees positive outcomes and ensures the effectiveness of social media advertising.

Indeed, hitting the right target audience can reveal unexpected insights. For instance, one of our products had a well-tailored Facebook advertising campaign that highlighted the fact that a significant portion of our users in the USA were of African descent. This discovery prompted us to delve deeper into understanding this user segment from a socio-cultural perspective and adapt other advertising campaigns to cater to their needs.
The power of accurate targeting and data-driven insights can uncover valuable opportunities and guide businesses to better serve their diverse customer base.

Maksim Kuletskiy
Product manager
Content Marketing
Content Marketing is indeed a valuable but often underestimated traction channel. Many successful startups began their customer acquisition journey by leveraging content that is well-indexed by search engines.

If you think about the last few websites you visited, those with a blog or news feed may have been infrequently updated, and few or no comments might have been present. This highlights the untapped potential of content marketing as a powerful tool to attract and engage audiences through search engine visibility and valuable information dissemination.

Email marketing
Email marketing is one of the best ways to convert potential customers while also retaining and monetizing existing clients.

It involves personalization and automation of email campaigns, analyzing user databases and their behavioral patterns, and segmentation.

Designing and formatting appealing messages, bypassing gatekeepers, and avoiding spam filters are integral components of successful email marketing.

Viral Marketing
Viral Marketing involves expanding your customer base through recommendations from your current customers. In the context of startups, the idea is to "infect" users in a way that each user you attract brings in at least one more user.

Like any other marketing strategy, viral marketing also has clear metrics to measure effectiveness, and tests are conducted to improve these metrics.

Engineering as Marketing
Modern businesses have faced the challenge that most popular online customer acquisition channels have become oversaturated, highly competitive, and their effectiveness is rapidly diminishing.
As a result, there is a need to explore unconventional sources for attracting customers and scaling them whenever possible.

Grammarly - a magnificent example of engineering as marketing (link). This service, which checks the grammar of English writing, is successfully promoted through a free browser extension and software for Windows and Mac OS.
Maksim Kuletskiy
Product manager
Affiliate Programs.
An affiliate program is an agreement where you pay individuals or companies for performing specific actions, such as making sales or generating high-quality leads.
Companies like Amazon, Zappos, eBay, Orbitz, and Netflix use affiliate programs as a significant source of their revenue.
In fact, affiliate programs are a primary channel for many online stores, information products, and membership programs.

Growth hacking or Non-traditional marketing involves doing something extraordinary. It entails performing tricks capable of attracting not only social media users but also mainstream media attention.